Monday, April 13, 2009

Quotes of the week

Comments are many here in my house. Someone is always speaking before thinking (usually me) Someone is always making fun of somebody in this house (usually Patrick to me) and someone is usually driving me nuts (usually Mikayla!)

Here are a few quotes for the week....

"But, but I need to change my clothes mommy...I got milk on my shirt." "How did you get milk on your shirt?" (takes a big drink....and makes a milky raspberry) "That's how I got milk on my shirt mommy"
Honestly I didn't want to be shown how it got on there...just wanted a general answer...but I am dealing with a three year old.

As my husband is being so sweet and cooking breakfast on Saturday (and I'm so trying not to hover cause I don't like anyone working in my kitchen) I get asked this....
"What part of the cow does bacon come from?" "Uh that would be the pig part my dear" (sorry sweetie...I told you it was going in this!!!lol)

I'll give him one now. :) One of Patrick's favorite things to say to me is this..
Me- Ouch! My head hurts!
Patrick- What's the matter, the hamster fall off it's wheel again???
(so mean!!!)
There now we are even!!! haha!

Mikayla being the little brat that she can be...
" I'm not talking you mommy...I was talking to daddy! (what a little stinker!)

Okay, so maybe there wasn't as much going on this week as I thought, or maybe my brain is just fried from some of the stuff my family has done this week..either way, just a little short but sweet post for ya!! haha!

So until next time when I'm successfully cracked out from coffee...or maybe after I stole one of Patrick's Red Bulls (let's see if does give me wings) and have something more to say...
Have a good day!!! :)

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